Rental FAQs
Rental FAQs
Do you have parking at your shop?
Neither Acadia Bike, Coastal Kayaking Tours, nor Acadia Outfitters has public parking at its location. However, there are several options in the town of Bar Harbor. Here’s some information you can use:
In the downtown area, most streets have individual meters or kiosks, where you must buy a pass and leave it on your dashboard. As for pricing, parking spots range from $2 to $4. Municipal parking lots have kiosks, and rates there also vary. Click here for more Bar Harbor parking information.
For general parking-related questions, contact the Bar Harbor Parking Project Manager at 207-288-1773.
What if I just decide one morning to ride? Can I walk in and get a bike?
Of course! Although, everything is based on availability, so we do recommend reservations during our busy season.
Would I be able to get a half-day rate if I reserve my bike?
We do not offer half-day rates on advance reservations. Reserved bikes are guaranteed for the full day, so you can pick them up anytime throughout the day. If you choose to walk in without a reservation, we’ll charge you initially for the full day and reimburse you for the half-day if you have the bikes back within four hours.
How far in advance do I need to reserve the bikes?
If you’re visiting the area in July or August, we recommend making reservations a couple days in advance to ensure you get a bike in the correct size that you need.
Do your bikes have a place to put water bottles?
Yes! All of our bikes have holders to fit most water bottles. (Nalgene-sized bottles are too large.)
I don’t have a hitch on my car; is the trunk-mount rack the way to go?
Our trunk-mounted bike racks aren’t guaranteed to fit on all vehicles. If your car has a rear plastic fairing (spoiler), the weight of the bikes may be too heavy. It’s best for us to see the vehicle to make sure you’re getting the right fit. If that doesn’t work, the ride from our shop to the closest carriage road is just 1.7 miles. We also provide directions and maps.
Do you provide helmets with rentals?
Absolutely! Safety is always at the front of our business and helmets are certainly provided and encouraged at no charge.
Experience & Recommendations
Do we need passes to ride in the park?
Yes, one vehicle pass covers four riders ($35), and individual passes are $20 each. To purchase your passes online, click here.
If I wanted to ride from your shop to the closest carriage road, how far would that be?
We’re less than 2 miles from the closest carriage road at the Duck Brook Bridge entrance, so it’s a reasonable distance that the vast majority of our customers choose to ride.
At what point do you recommend a trailer vs child seat for young kids?
It depends on the size and age of the child. Our child seats are for children that are at least 1-year-old and up to 25 pounds; the trailers will hold up to 65 pounds and can accommodate more than one small child. To use either, the child must be able to hold her/his head up with a helmet. *Children must be at least 1 year old to ride in a child seat on the back of a bike.
Are there any flat carriage roads?
The whole area is rolling terrain, so the carriage roads have hills. However, our customer service reps have maps highlighting the less vs more strenuous routes. We also recommend checking out Acadia National Park’s Carriage Road Map here to help plan.
Could I ride on the Park Loop Road with your bikes? What about Cadillac Mountain?
Yes, biking on the Park Loop Road is permitted. However, for your safety and enjoyment, we more highly recommend sticking with the Carriage Roads. The island has 45 miles of them, so you’ll have plenty to see. If you are set on biking on the Park Loop Road, we recommend that you consult with our staff on the best entry and exit points.
Riding a bike up the Cadillac Mountain Summit Road is doable, but discouraged. The road is narrow with no shoulder, steep, and highly trafficked. We recommend enjoying Cadillac Mountain’s views by hiking and driving up it by car or shuttle.
What’s your cancellation/change policy?
Before making your reservation, please be aware of our cancellation policies. To cancel or make a change to your reservation, call (207) 288-9605 and speak with a customer service representative; email cancellation requests are not permitted. Cancellations that do not align with our policies will not receive a refund.
For E-Bikes: Cancellations or changes must be made at least 48 hours in advance.
For conventional bikes: Cancellations or changes must be made by noon the day before your rental.
For kayak tours: Cancellations or changes for groups of less than 6 can be made up until 48 hours prior to your tour. Groups of 6 or more must cancel at least 72 hours prior to your tour.
For Ranger-Led Bicycle Tours: Cancellations or changes must be made at least a week prior to your tour.
I haven’t ridden a bike in years, do you have a bike that would suit me?
Most of our customers are recreational bicyclists, so we definitely have a bike to suit you!
Do you recommend driving the bikes to the carriage roads or cycling to the closest route?
Generally, we reccommend that guests either ride their bikes directly to the Carriage Roads or that they take the Bicycle Express Shuttle (which runs from June 23rd-Sept. 30th). We do offer bike racks for rent, but they do not fit on all cars unless they have a trailer hitch. Parking in Acadia during the season can be quite tricky, so driving your bikes into the park is not our most highly recommended option.